If you follow SimpliHere on social media, you may have seen our weekly posts with tips for making life with ALS as easy as possible. We call them SimpliTips, and we’ve been sharing them every Tuesday for several months. As much as we love SimpliTips, we’re going to hit pause on them for a minute to share some other resources on our platforms. But first, we wanted to compile the best of the best helpful and (dare we say) vital SimpliTips right here so that you can easily access them anytime!
What Are SimpliTips?
As app users, one thing we are most maddened by is our own ignorance about everything an app is actually capable of. As app developers, we want to ensure our users have the fully maximized arsenal of SimpliHere tools at their fingertips every day. So we came up with SimpliTips, or tips for making the most of our SimpliHere and Louise apps to simplify everyday living with ALS.
Quick Guide to the SimpliHere App

SimpliHere is an iPhone and Android app designed for ALS patients and caregivers. The app prioritizes patient accessibility, with a focus on augmentative and alternative communications, connection to communities, and access to valuable resources such as news updates, products, and other services to help manage daily life. The app also features Louise- a personal voice assistant that allows patients and caregivers to request a variety of actions or ask questions related to ALS.

Download Louise, your voice-activated personal assistant!
10 SimpliTips For Simplifying Life With ALS
- Check News On Demand
Stay updated on all things ALS, from clinical trials to patient advocate efforts! SimpliHere’s News feature automatically updates with the latest articles, cutting the research out of staying informed.
- Set Up Your Personal Virtual Assistant
65% of ALS caregivers report a decline in either their physical or mental health. Ask Louise, SimpliHere’s virtual assistant designed to help patients with limited mobility, to help you find what you need – whether it’s locating a clinic, hiring a professional caregiver, or finding your own support group. You can easily use Louise separately, but pairing her with your SimpliHere account allows her to take all the power of the SimpliHere app and makes it voice-command responsive, so patients no longer have to worry about the degenerative effects of ALS prohibiting them from communicating, getting help, and staying informed.
- Customize Your Care Circle
The global pandemic has led to the increase of telehealth services for patients and families. Medicare will now add Speech & Oral Therapy to these services through the end of 2021 at a minimum! To utilize your SimpliHere care circle and maximize these new benefits, hit the icon on the bottom of the Home landing page (right between the Home and Journal icons).
- Find Loaner Equipment
Many ALS/MND clinics and organizations throughout the country operate equipment loan closets for ALS patients and caregivers. But finding them can be a needle-in-a-haystack situation. Select “Find Equipment” on the SimpliHere app (or ask Louise!) and quickly navigate to the Loaner Equipment option to obtain a list of participating organizations!
- Search For ALS Treatment Updates
The pace of ALS Research and Development has never been faster. You can use the app’s News feature to scroll, or Louise can help you find the latest info on ALS treatments and medications hands-free. Simply say, “Hey, Louise, what are the latest ALS treatment updates?”
- Find Curated ALS Products
Many in the ALS community are often looking for products to assist in daily living. Within the SimpliHere app, we have started curating products you or your loved ones can use to overcome those hurdles.
- Explore Voice Banking Tools
It’s never too early to start thinking about preserving your voice. Get organized this year and explore tools like VocalID, Project Revoice, and Model Talker to decide which voice banking tool is best for you and your loved ones.
- Connect With An ALS Community
Long before the pandemic, ALS patients were connecting virtually to manage the challenge leaving the house with limited mobility. That means that in addition to in-person support groups and conventions, ALS patients and caregivers have access to numerous online support platforms. The SimpliHere app allows you to quickly find the best forums, in-person support groups, and virtual meet-ups to connect with other patients and caregivers experiencing similar challenges.
- Help Further ALS Research
While the Centers for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC) has been front and center during this pandemic, don’t forget that it also plays an important role in collecting data critical to ALS research. The SimpliHere app quickly directs you through the National ALS Registry process to share your data and help further vital ALS research.
- Keep In Touch
SimpliHere’s one-touch Communication Menu takes the work out of keeping in touch with loved ones, doctors, and anyone who helps manage daily life.
Download the SimpliHere App and Louise, and start simplifying your life with ALS in minutes!
About SimpliHere
SimpliHere simplifies caregiving for those impacted by ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases. Through a mobile app and personal voice assistant, patients and caregivers can easily communicate, manage daily life, and stay connected with one another. The mission of SimpliHere is to help patients and families face the overwhelming nature of ALS by helping them to communicate basic needs, easily reach caregivers, and find comfort with other individuals sharing the same challenges. SimpliHere encourages patients and families to raise their voices and contribute valuable information to medical communities to help advance critical research on neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS – with the ultimate goal of wiping out the disease once and for all.
Emma Comery is a freelance Writer & Content Contributor with a passion for using language to spotlight incredible humans and movements. She is currently pursuing her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Old Dominion University.